
FIRST Awards

Funded by the National Science Foundation's (NSF) infrastructure grant to Nebraska EPSCoR, the competitive First Award grant program provides assistance to early-career, tenure-track faculty. The grants are designed to help early career faculty initiate their research programs and compete more effectively for NSF CAREER grants. Any project that could be supported by a National Science Foundation competitive research grant is eligible.


To facilitate substantive undergraduate and graduate experience in private industry in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (the STEM fields), Nebraska EPSCoR developed the Nebraska EPSCoR Science & Technology Internship Program (NESTIP) in 2001. 

  • Nebraska EPSCoR shares the cost of student internships at private companies for up to 12 months, paying for up to 50% of the student's salary and related FICA taxes but not more than $5,000 in a 6-month period.
  • NESTIP funds one student per business at a time.
  • Applications are accepted at any time and are selected on a competitive basis as funds for the program are available.

Undergraduates may also apply for summer research experiences connected with current Nebraska EPSCoR projects; for more information, look for Nebraska EPSCoR opportunities with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program.

Funding Opportunities for Nebraska's Small Colleges & Universities


Nebraska EPSCoR's Undergraduate Research Experience grant program helps students at small public and private Nebraska colleges and universities that offer undergraduate degrees related to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Funded by an NSF infrastructure grant to Nebraska EPSCoR, this program aims to increase the pool of potential students choosing careers in these STEM areas. Faculty members from groups underrepresented in the sciences or who are including students from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

Teaching and/or Research Equipment ("TRE") awards are another way Nebraska EPSCoR uses its NSF infrastructure grants to help boost scientific education and research at Nebraska's small public and private colleges and universities. Click the heading link above for further details, and check this website's Proposals page for timing information -- also follow Nebraska EPSCoR on X (formerly Twitter) for updates.