Nebraska EPSCoR announced its 2025 recipients of Small College/University Undergraduate Research Experiences. Each award--up to $5,000 per proposed project--is funded from the National Science Foundation award #OIA-2044049, Nebraska's Emergent Quantum Materials and Technologies (EQUATE) collaboration. The successful applicants--limited to faculty from Nebraska higher education institutions with <$8 million annual research expenditures--engage undergraduates in a variety of projects, as follows:
- Kimberly Carlson, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Biology
Determination of the Nora virus receptor in Drosophila melanogaster
- Krista Forrest, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Psychology
Creating stimuli for studying jurors' perceptions of ASD suspects in interrogations
- Catherine Johnson, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Biology
Impact of androgen receptor-targeted prostate cancer therapy on osteoblast differentiation
- Jayne Jonas-Bratten, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Biology
Effects of soil restoration on soil seedbanks in Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs) of the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska
- HaLea Messersmith, Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte South Campus, Physics and Engineering
Precision survey of weed infestations in sports turf
- Benjamin Newton, Central Community College, Environmental Sustainability
Nebraska native plants and pollinator visitation
- Sudha Shanmugam, Little Priest Tribal College, Biology
Antibacterial effects of different plant extracts from the Winnebago Reservation of Nebraska, ideal for therapeutic use
Congratulations to all recipients!

An undergraduate student from Central Community College conducts research in a chemistry lab, during an experience funded by Nebraska EPSCoR.