NSF EPSCoR’s 28th National Conference in Omaha welcomes research posters developed and presented by undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early career researchers working on NSF EPSCoR projects. The posters will be divided into two groups. The odd-numbered posters will be presented on Monday, October 14, and the even-numbered posters will be presented on Tuesday, October 15. This will allow poster presenters to visit other posters during the conference.
Nebraska EPSCoR, as host jurisdiction for this event, encourages each EPSCoR jurisdiction to use its travel funds to bring at least two poster presenters.
Poster information
Posters should be no larger than 4 feet by 4 feet. Two-sided, cork posterboards will be provided to display posters. Pins will be provided to secure the posters to the boards. Poster set up will be available Monday morning. All posters should be put up for display as soon as possible and available for viewing throughout the conference regardless of which day it is being presented. Poster presenters must remain with their poster throughout their assigned session.
Abstract Submission
When registering, you will be asked if you are presenting a poster, once you mark yes, you will be asked to provide a title. The title does not need to be the final title. You will be able to change it later. You will receive an email later asking those who said they would be presenting a poster to submit their abstract and final title.
Complete information and abstracts will be due August 1. All poster information will be submitted on-line. You will receive an email with a link to submit your poster information. The abstract should be 200 words or less. Submission of your abstract should also include all authors and the title of the poster. Nebraska EPSCoR reserves the right to decline poster submissions based on event criteria. Poster presenters will be approved and informed as soon as possible, no later than August 15.